Thursday, September 1, 2016

JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Assasination


1. Pres. Kennedy signed the most daring executive order No. 11110  in June of 1963 to restore in house American treasury hard currency. 
Executive order 11110

He and It survived only 5-mths.

THE CLINTON IMPEACHMENT FIASCO OF 1999.In February of 1999, Bill Clinton (1993,1,20-2001,1,20) was impeached by the House (Grand Jury) on two charges, for perjury (Lying under oath) and obstruction of justice but the Senate failed to reach a 2/3 majority and was acquitted, by the Senate.
 Bill Clinton was fined and lost his license to practise law. Both Clinton and Hillary faced charges for conspiring in the murder of Vince Foster. 
This proves the Federal Reserve's power of the unelected to foist its political agenda against the will of the people. 
 Also in 1999, Hillary gets elected as Senator for NY as a direct consequence of the murder by plane crash of JFK Jr.  
The Clintons were ideal pawns in the greatest Monetary Fraud in history by the Federal Reserve which faced rebellious trouble makers like Saddam Hussein and Gaddaffi, like the OPEC members of 1973,  who rejected the acceptance of the unpegged Militry Ponzi Dollar of 1971 and demanded gold in payment for oil supplies. Unacceptable. 
The EU recession of 2000/2001 hit the US in 2002/3, and like in 1941, Pearl Harbor II had to be enabled on September, 11, 2001.