Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Did The Central Bankers Plan The BREXIT To Create An EU Empire? - Episod...

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    1. Thrilled that 4 million people have taken the time to watch my speech in the European Parliament yesterday:
    2. Delighted that my speech in the European Parliament this morning already watched over 1 million times on Facebook:
    3. Just spoke in the European Parliament, they were pleased to see me as you can tell.
    4. ' wants to be PM so he can make the British people vote again in another . Would be a betrayal.
    5. A u-turn on curbing migration would be a betrayal of the Brexit vote. Target should be 30,000-50,000 net per year.
    6. The British people voted to Leave to end the free movement of people. That's exactly what must now happen
    7. The EU is done for. The sooner it’s replaced with a different kind of Europe of trade and co-operation, the better.

    Friday, June 24, 2016

    'EU is failing, EU is dying': Nigel Farage speech following Brexit vote

    Appetizer For Monday.

    UP TO THE MIGHTY POWER OF THE CENTRAL BANKERS. The once brave Scots have have
    given up at the 11th hour, it seems. To survive the powerful round-the-clock
    attack, chicanery  and juggling of the Central
    Bankers, the British now need a British Putin to resist the Central Banker’s
    forthcoming onslaught,  against freedom,
    independence, anti-corruption and bullying.

    2016.6.24.HISTORY AT
    GROUND LEVEL AND AT STAKE: This referendum is solely technical/monetary,
    something even the 1% won’t understand. And also, something that all universities
    owned by the Central Bankers have kept their graduates from knowing. If you
    are an economist like  the clueless Keynes,
    Krugman, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, you knew nothing of "MONEY", the
    most elusive feature of the invisible power.  Remember the entire education system,
    religion, judiciary, armies and slanderous poison-penned-media are owned and
    governed by the Central Bankers (FISA). They therefore own your mind and
    this  time the false flag game of the
    ancient Annunaki ritual of human sacrifice with the life of Jo Cox failed to
    trigger a swing on the eve of elections. R.I.P. Jo Cox and good riddance EU.
    Take your ECB along. The Fed, sooner or later shall follow suit and or press
    for WWIII. The overpowering Central Bankers never give up. For now, the sheep
    have outfoxed their handlers and Britain may need a British Putin.  Likewise an American Putin in Trump may
    join forces with an Asian Putin featuring, not words, but powerful technical
    skills, guts and knowledge free of Central Banker education to run the
    Central Bankers out of town and out of business.
    1. An opportunity for
    independent states with an in house (treasury) banking arises. TRANSLATION:
    Each independent State will be allowed and enabled to mind its own business
    instead of outsiders (Central Banking, Ponzi Schemes) minding their business.
    1.1. The overthrowing
    of legally elected governments by the Central Banks in rich countries have
    generated a refugee stampede from places like L.America, Serbia, Ukraine,
    M.East, Africa and Asia.
    1.2. Libya used to be
    the best performing African economy up to the year 2011. Today it’s one
    country turning its own citizens into refugees.
    1.3. Something close to
    what only two healthy states are practicing today ie. Russia and Switzerland.
    Today the economy of Russia is safer and stronger  than the economy of the US despite
    2. Because the Ponzi
    Dollar Scheme since 1971 has failed, mainly because Kennedy attempted to
    solve the issue in June of 1963 with executive order No. 11110 for in house
    treasury Silver Dollars.
    3. Earlier confirmation
    of failure occurred in Dec. of 1941 with the false flag Pearl Harbor attack
    game. Why would Japan have attacked Pearl Harbor when Japan controlled over
    200,000-tons of Asian gold??
    4. However current confirmation
    of failure of the Ponzi Dollar Scheme occurred in 2002. Hence Pearl Harbor II
    (9/11-twin towers).
    5. Today’s referendum
    brings hope for the restoration of a prosperous and healthy organic economy
    of independent states with independent monetary in house treasury as per the
    rule of coinage of Weights & Measures. 
    Just read the bill in your wallet, whether Pound or Dollar, and you
    will note there is no value whatsoever, that of a value attributed.  This is a crime against humanity.
    6. Since 2002, the
    Central Bankers led by the legalized terror organization of the Federal
    Reserve have exhausted every manipulation of markets, vote rigging, election
    frauds to make their failed system prosper in vain. A bubble has no fix.
    Their only hope now is to juggle a Pearl Harbor III false flag for WWIII.

    Leave Vote share 51.9%
    VOTES17,410,742 VOTES Remain Vote share 48.1% VOTES16,141,241 VOTES

    Credit Rating Agency Believes Russia Is Safer
    Than The US

    2016.6.20.MIND CONTROL
    1. Like Switzerland,
    all non-US-EU-Central Bank bloc countries are prospering with minimum debt,
    jobless rate and good economical growth.
    DAVID ICKE; The Sickening Stay-In Exploitation of Jo Cox's Death - And
    What Controls the Mind of Thomas Mair?
    ‘As a follow up to my post, Hmmm, Brexit Campaigning
    Suspended For Second Day, Referendum Vote “In Limbo,” which detailed the
    murder of pro-EU British Parliament member Jo Cox at a point when polls
    showed Brexit in the lead , Louis Cammarosano of Smaulgld emails:

    I was reminded of this:
    In 2003 Anna Lindh pro EU Swedish foreign minister
    was stabbed and killed just days before Sweden was set to vote on adopting
    the euro
    After she died, they cancelled campaigning “out of
    Here’s CNBC on the “similarities”:’
    EU & EU CENTRAL BANK A CIA APP by Paul Craig

    EU &
    EU CENTRAL BANK A CIA APP by Paul Craig Roberts.